Outside Broadcasts

National Community Radio Day

Tune into your local community radio station on Friday June 16th from 11.00am-5.30pm National Community Radio Day celebrating Traveller community! With a mix of live guests and pre-recorded interviews by Near FM and our sister community radio stations Flirt FM, Liffey Sound, Phoenix FM, Athlone Community Radio, Loughrea Community Radio and[Read More…]

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Mendelssohn re-imagined

Podcast now available at https://nearfm.ie/podcast/the-hugh-lane-concert-series-the-fews-ensemble/ This 90 minute programme features an exhilarating performance by Newry Chamber Music group, The Fews Ensemble, as they reimagine Mendelssohn by performing the original Octet in E-flat major in it’s entirety for the first time in Ireland. The original octet was written when Mendelssohn was[Read More…]

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Kiki Lui係Maynooth University嘅幼兒教育工作者。喺搬嚟愛爾蘭之前,佢喺公立同私立學校教咗八年書。佢喺香港教育大學同昆士蘭大學畢業。 Kiki Lui is an early childhood educator at Maynooth University. Before moving to Ireland, she was teaching in public and private schools for 8 years. She graduated [...]

  Denis McIntyre joins Michael Sullivan to chat about the tourist information and historical centre for the Dublin bay north area. Denis also chats about upcoming events. 1st Broadcast 26th [...]

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  SF Cllr. Malachy Quinn from Fingal Council talks to Michael Sullivan in relation to bringing vacant and derelict homes back into use. http://malachyq uinn@clls. fingal.ie 1st Broadcast 26th March [...]

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Orla O’Connor, National Women’s Council director, IHREC’s Chief Commissioner, Liam Herrick, and Irish Traveller Movement’s National Membership Officer  Helena Power spoke to Mercedes López at an event marking 30 years [...]

Myra Gleeson speaks to Stephen Ryan, Woodies garden expert in Glasnevin about planting vegetables and flowers. Plus for complete beginners, what are the best vegetables to plant and how to [...]

Listen again to this hour of Sounds from Stage & Screen as Teachers’ Musical Society took centre stage for Act 1 of Not The Greatest Show on Near FM as [...]