Specialist Music

Mendelssohn re-imagined

Podcast now available at https://nearfm.ie/podcast/the-hugh-lane-concert-series-the-fews-ensemble/ This 90 minute programme features an exhilarating performance by Newry Chamber Music group, The Fews Ensemble, as they reimagine Mendelssohn by performing the original Octet in E-flat major in it’s entirety for the first time in Ireland. The original octet was written when Mendelssohn was[Read More…]

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Afro Vibes

This show focuses on the different styles of music across the African continent including Afrobeats, Amapiano, Makossa, Coupe Decalle, Ndombolo, Bongo etc just to name these. Both contemporary and older sounds are sampled. The programme also includes interviews with local and international artists and promoters as well as promoting upcoming[Read More…]

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A radical re-interpretation of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations – Broadcasting on Near FM, New Years Eve at 4.30pm Ergodos is proud to release “Gold.Berg.Werk”, a radical re-interpretation of J.S. Bach’s Goldberg Variations by Austrian composer Karlheinz Essl, performed by pianist Xenia Pestova Bennett, with live electronic diffusion by Ed Bennett. The[Read More…]

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Kiki Lui係Maynooth University嘅幼兒教育工作者。喺搬嚟愛爾蘭之前,佢喺公立同私立學校教咗八年書。佢喺香港教育大學同昆士蘭大學畢業。 Kiki Lui is an early childhood educator at Maynooth University. Before moving to Ireland, she was teaching in public and private schools for 8 years. She graduated [...]

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