Feature documentary, broadcasting on Good Friday, April 10th at 12 noon

Gallastegi is not a particularly Irish sounding surname but on the 8th November 1962, Joseph Barron, Clann na Poblachta TD for Dublin South Central, put a question to the Taoiseach Seán Lemass in relation to an Irish citizen by that surname who found himself under threat from the Franco regime.
This documentary tells the story of the journey of the Gallastegi family, their Basque roots and their Irish upbringing. This documentary will look back in history to find out under what circumstances the Gallastegis arrived to the Meath Gaeltacht, who they were, what brought them to Ireland, how they integrated and finally why did they come to the attention of the Spanish authorities in a way that ended with a diplomatic incident between the Irish government and the Spanish fascist regime.
Programme produced by Ignacio Irigoien and Steward Reddin with the participation of historians Brian Hanley and Kyle McCreanor, as well as several members of the Gallastegi family. Thank you also to Maureen Shiels for her contributions to this project.
Narration by historian Fin Dwyer with historical representation by Jack Byrne and Alan Braddish
Made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the television licence fee.