CAPTCHA – Community Radio Archives


Tune into Near FM this Thursday @ 3.30pm for a special one hour programme on CAPTCHA – the EU wide community media archiving initiative. Listen to Radio Corax, in Germany as they discuss radio archives.

The Show is bilingual, Helen Hahmann talks to Ralf Wendt, project coordinator of Radio Corax about his ideas around archiving, the archiving infrastructure and archiving approaches of Radio Corax and what is being archived and which fascinating radio archives already exist?

Ralf Wendt is Programme Coordinator and Radio Trainer at Radio Corax. He says, ‘an archive is interesting as a pool with precise and detailed data. People have to think about it properly, which information contain the data’. After archiving, the information can be sorted and spread further by special topics and interests. An archive becomes especially interesting when combining video, pictures, texts and audio-files.