Education, Latest, Programmes, Storybook

The Word

Broadcasting Monday 7, 14 & 21st of March @ 2pm

Get ready to journey into the hearts and minds of Post Primary school children from North East Dublin. Prepare to encounter the full gamut of emotions from joy to sorrow, shock, surprise, horror, fear, love, loss and gain as our young people deliver creativity at its very best! This series is compiled from stories and poems written in English and Irish by pupils from participating on a diverse range of topics. So join the pupils from St Marys Holy Faith, Killester, Ardscoil La Salle, Raheny and  Mount Temple Comprehensive School for our fantastic new 3 part Educational Radio Series “The Word” broadcasting on Near FM, Monday 7, 14 & 21st of March @ 2pm. If you like Stories & Poems you’ll love “The Word”!

  “The Word” is supported by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland Sound and Vision scheme through the Television Licence Fee, Is produced by Enda M. Roche and is a Pearlman Media Production for Near FM.



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