Amarach Research 2025 11% of people living in Dublin city and county listen to Near FM.
Other Key Findings:
- Four in ten adults in Ireland (40%) reported listening to at least one community radio station.
Overall, 80% agree that community radio makes them feel more informed and connected with their local area. - Compared to the general adult population, community radio listeners, particularly frequent listeners, are more likely to be male and aged 18–34.
- Overall, people value community radio most for its local focus, familiar voices and its ability to foster conversation. Frequent listeners, in particular, are more likely to find it more relevant than national or local radio and prefer the music selection.
- Nearly half of listeners (46%) have participated in an activity with their community radio station, with engagement rising to 64% among frequent listeners.
Craol, with matched CBSS funding from Coimisiún na Meán has conducted an extensive audience survey in the Community Radio sector.
The aim of the Amárach survey is to report audience feedback and take measurements in the Community Radio sector which receives no funding for Government messages, often leaving our audiences excluded from hearing the important Public Information Notices aired daily on national and local radio.
The report launched on World Radio Day 2025 indicates loyalty of listenership to Community Radio. The 72 page survey report was created by amárach for Craol in November – December 2024.
The survey was part funded by the Community Broadcasting Support Scheme. The last survey of its kind was 12 years ago – so this new updated survey is timely as a future funding scheme for the community media sector is currently being drafted.