Kilbarrack Family Fun day 2024

Broadcasting Tuesday July 16th at 2pm

Pictured above: Lisa Dowling, Youth Matters’ team leader (KCCP) with Ciaran McKinney, university student on placement at Youth matters with club members  Ella Simpson, Holy Murphy, Sophie Leech, Kate Wallace and Madison Kane, Young Matters’ club members join George Mulcahy

Join Near FM on Tuesday July 16th at 2pm for a fun filled two hour programme we recorded from the northside Dublin community of Kilbarrack as they celebrate their annual family fun day. We hear from representatives of various local community groups as well as some great music.

Production team: George Mulcahy, Gay Graham, Gabor Zajzon, Mercedes Lopez, Paul Woodward, Ciaran Murray, Dorothee Meyer Holtkamp.

Made with the support of CnaM Social benefit funding.