Programmes, Specialist Music

The Grove Show

The Grove Radio Show is hosted by Jennifer Roche, Lynne Kavanagh & Brian Tucker and broadcasts on alternate Fridays between 9.30 pm and 11:30pm. The show plays music and memories from The Grove Social Club 1967 to 1997 and accepts listener playlists to The show can also be played back by following

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(Nationwide Topic) Cushla Dromgool-Regan, from Camden Education joins Johnny Holmes to speak about the new Horizon Europe Blue Lights Project for primary schools in Ireland. 1st broadcast on 27/03/2025 [...]

(Local & World Topic) Fine Gael Cllr. Supriya Singh joins Johnny Holmes to speak about the Hindu Festival of Colours, Love, Equality & Spring, known as “Holi”, that was celebrated [...]

Paula Wiseman speak with LA based singer/Songwriter Olivia Kaplanabout her upcoming gig in Whelans on Mon 31st March 2025 1st broadcast on 27/03/2025 [...]

Candy Cave launched in 2023 a small Irish business in confectionery. James Casey who is co owner of the company will join Debbie Mc Mahon to talk about the new [...]

Kiki Lui係Maynooth University嘅幼兒教育工作者。喺搬嚟愛爾蘭之前,佢喺公立同私立學校教咗八年書。佢喺香港教育大學同昆士蘭大學畢業。 Kiki Lui is an early childhood educator at Maynooth University. Before moving to Ireland, she was teaching in public and private schools for 8 years. She graduated [...]

  Denis McIntyre joins Michael Sullivan to chat about the tourist information and historical centre for the Dublin bay north area. Denis also chats about upcoming events. 1st Broadcast 26th [...]

Chairperson. Sculpture in Context Jackie Ball talks to Michael Sullivan in relation to its 40 th Anniversary Exhibition.   [...]

  SF Cllr. Malachy Quinn from Fingal Council talks to Michael Sullivan in relation to bringing vacant and derelict homes back into use. http://malachyq uinn@clls. 1st Broadcast 26th March [...]