Audio Drama – Blind Date

Thursday 23rd February at 18.00

Sophie and Karl are persuaded to go on a blind date by mutual friends. What have they to lose? A compelling and intense drama about looking for love.

Sophie and Karl are persuaded to go on a blind date by mutual friends and long-term couple
Helen and Dave. Sophie, a pretty, sexually confident thirty-year-old, is looking for
something more permanent than her usual transient relationships. Karl, a good-looking
thirtysomething, agrees because he thinks Helen secretly fancies him and this is her way of
checking him out. The minute they clap eyes on each other they like what they see. The date
goes really well with Sophie agreeing to go back to Karl’s for a coffee and chat. Each
recount a radically different version of what happens next.

Written and Directed by Colette Cullen

Charlene Gleeson as Sophie
Michael O’Kelly as Karl

Made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the Television License Fee.