Bookworms is a new 6 part series on Near FM Near FM are collaborating with St Davids Boys National School, and their principal Dwain Moore. Listen in to the show on: Wednesdays 9.30 – 10.00 am from May 14th to June 18th Each week the boys from Ms Cahills 6th[Read More…]
Latest updates from Near fm 90.3
Diamond in the Rough
Niamh Griffin travelled to Sierra Leone in September 2013 to explore how women and men are tackling sexual violence. High rates of these crimes in Sierra Leone are a sad legacy of a brutal decade-long civil war which ended in 2002, leaving thousands mentally and physically scarred. She met with[Read More…]
Europe on Air Programme 7 The Asylum Process
Part seven of the series aired on April 17th 2014 and looked at the Asylum process in Ireland with special interest in personal experiences of asylum seekers in Ireland and the implications of EU obligations on lifestyles.
The Rise of Brian Boru
A four part historical docu-drama “The Rise of Brian Boru” was broadcast in four parts from Monday 21st September to Thursday 24th September 2009.
What is worth Archiving?
Near Media Co-Op in partnership with CAPTCHA EU Culture Initiative and with the support of the Dublin Community Forum present a half day seminar to discuss “What is Worth Archiving?” and look at approaches to archiving. This event will be particularly relevant to community media staff & volunteers, media professionals,[Read More…]
Coming Soon: Mad Scientists of Music
Coming soon to Near FM a 6 x 30 minute show about experimental music in Ireland, entitled ‘Mad Scientists of Music’. It will be covering everything from bedroom tinkering with Fruity Loops to technically and aesthetically sophisticated electronic ‘noise’ to Harry Partch style microtonal music. It’s produced by Gareth Stack[Read More…]
Understanding Irish Muslims
This four part series tells the story of Muslims living in Ireland and demonstrates in a positive light how they embrace and contribute to Irish society. The series aims to improve understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims in Ireland and assist societal harmony. A general overview of Islam is given and[Read More…]
Europe on Air Programme 5
Part five of the series aired on April 3rd 2014 and looked at the rights of LGBT citizens with regard to marriage and family rights as well as transgender rights and how the situation in Ireland compares to other EU nations. Special guests include Elaine King, television coordinator, NEAR TV,[Read More…]
Europe on Air Programme 4
NEARfm looking at the System of Education shedding more light on secondary schools and adult education in Ireland in comparison to their European counterparts. Special guests include Siobhan O’Connell, Principal of St. Mary’s Secondary School, Baldoyle and Niamh Farren, Communications Officer of Aontas, The Irish National Adult Learning Organisation.
Europe on Air Programme 3
Nearfm looking at”The Changing Face of Religion” Special guests include Dr. Damian Jackson, member of the congregation of Adelaide Road Presbyterian Church and of the Dublin City Interfaith Forum, Dr. Melanie Brown of the Dublin Jewish Community and Shayk Umar Al-Qadri of the Almustafa Islamic Centre, Blanchardstown