Broadcasting Tuesday May 4th at 6.30pm
All honey is a dark, modern day farce about a group of friends forced to face each other’s deadly sins. The play takes place in the apartment of Ru and Luke, a couple in their early 30’s, who are throwing a housewarming party. However, their guests seem more interested in whispering in the box room than joining the festivities. Infidelities, secrets and an uninvited guest mean that Ru & Luke will have to clean up more than red wine stains and glitter. This piece is strongly concerned with people indulging in their sexual desires and letting their egos take over. All honey is about seeing your closest friends for the depraved individuals they really are.
Starring Finbarr Doyle, Clodagh Mooney Duggan, Maeve O Mahoney, Keith Jordan and Ashleigh Dorrell
Sound design by Gavin Byrne
Directed by Jeda de Brí
Script advisor is Clare Monnelly
Written by Ciaran Elizabeth Smyth
Made with the support of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland with the television licence fee.