The Podcast Hour: Stories from Foster Care – Harold Barber & Michael Shannon


May 7


04:30 pm - 05:30 pm

In this latest episode of Stories from Foster Care, Andrew Murphy talks to Harold Barber and Michael Shannon about their experiences of coming into fostering as a gay couple, and about fostering separated young people who come to Ireland as migrants. In a wide-ranging chat, they speak compassionately and honestly about some of the challenges and the joys of supporting separated young

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Stories from Foster Care is made with the Nearcast podcast network. For more information on Nearcast and how to get involved visit

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The music on this podcast is a track called Pastures by Ketsa, the music appears here under a Creative” target=”_blank” title=””>Creative”>”>Creative Commons Licence.

Stories from Foster Care is made in association with the Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and