The Podcast Hour: Hiberno Goethe: German Irish Conversations: Episode 5: Donnachadh Morgan


April 23


04:30 pm - 05:30 pm

This episode features Donnachadh Morgan, barrister at law, son of the late Dermot Morgan and German mother Susanne Morgan (nee Garmaltz). Donnchadh tells us of his experience of his German Irish cultural world, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant from his grandparents’ stories of leaving Silesia and Pomerania to his mother’s journey from Hamburg to the Dublin Horse Show, where she met his

Feeling” target=”_blank” title=”way. 


Feeling European and with the apron strings ripped from Ireland as the UK exits the EU, Donnachadh sees a lot of opportunities for stronger ties between Ireland and Germany ‘We gave them Christianianty, we might as well give them more  Thomas” target=”_blank” title=”Deutschland. Thomas”>Deutschland. Thomas Mann’s son considering Germany as it slipped into totalitarianism. One of the few books my grandfather actively recommended. Also: Thomas Mann: Buddenbrooks.

  • Stefan Zweig Sternstunden der Menschheit („Decisive Moments in History“) –Admittedly Zweig is Austrian, but this book was ever present on my grandparents’
  • Claudia” target=”_blank” title=”language.
  • Claudia”>language.
  • Claudia Rusch, Meine Freie Deutsche Jugend; engaging and often funny memoir of growing up in East
  • Heinrich” target=”_blank” title=”tales.
  • Heinrich”>tales.
  • Heinrich Böll, Irish Journal/Irisches Tagebuch – the book is more about Germany than Ireland, and still informs how many Germans see Ireland. Some Irish people find his representations of Ireland as problematic, but I think exemplifies a naïve fascination with Ireland that exists even
  • Walter” target=”_blank” title=”memoir. 
  • Walter”>memoir. 
  • Walter Kempowski, Alles umsonst/All for
  • Gdansk/Danzig: year. 
  • Gdansk/Danzig:  href=”″ target=”_blank”>″ target=”_blank”>